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GR 34

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Customs officers

The GR34: Coastal path running the length of Brittany from Mont St Michel to Nantes. This path passes at the foot of theKer Moor hotel. The GR34 is the perfect place to get the best views of Saint-Quay Portrieux.
Also known as the Sentier des douaniers, this is one of Brittany's most famous hiking trails. It's a chance to marvel at the splendours of this beautiful region in a different way, and to discover panoramas inaccessible other than by walking.

Port of Paimpol in Brittany - saint quay portrieux hotel

The hotel

& its services

The Hôtel Ker Moor is open all year round for a calm and relaxing stay. Positioned on the seafront, it offers an incredible panorama. The iodised breezes bring you a breath of fresh air to recharge your batteries.