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Saint Quay Portrieux natural swimming pool

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Swimming pool


A not-to-be-missed spot in Saint-Quay Portrieux, this swimming pool is located on the Casino beach and fills up with the tides. Children and adults alike can enjoy a dip in the pool whenever the weather permits.
For children, it's a chance to swim in complete safety, and for adults, the natural swimming pool is sure to add to your summer photo albums. Easily accessible from our hotel in Saint-Quay-PortrieuxIt is a must-see during your stay.

Port of Paimpol in Brittany - saint quay portrieux hotel

The hotel

& its services

The Hôtel Ker Moor is open all year round for a calm and relaxing stay. Positioned on the seafront, it offers an incredible panorama. The iodised breezes bring you a breath of fresh air to recharge your batteries.